
Sonja Kerkhoff - The tears of rangi

17:47, 2010, Narrative
Another way of saying it is raining in New Zealand Māori is “Ranginui (the skyfather) is crying for Papatuanuku.” Personifying the natural world and hence showing our human dependence on and relationship with nature, also gives the falling rain an emotional association. The main theme of the video which is as much an art video as it is a narrative, is about having ’feeling,’ being able to feel despite traumatic childhood events. Tears are signs of emotion, a sign of being able to feel, to listen, to learn from and to relate to the environment.

DirectorSonja Van Kerkhoff + Sen McglinnProducerSonja Van Kerkhoff + Sen McglinnWriterSonja Van KerkhoffCameraSonja Van KerkhoffEditorSonja Van KerkhoffCrewSound Engineering Of The Voice: Sandy Hoover, U.S.A.

CountryNew ZealandSubtitlesEnglishEdition2012 ScreeningsAs part of a video installation with 4 other videos (It has not been shown at any film festival yet) for Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen. Oct 2010 - Feb 2011

As part of a video installation with 4 other videos
Cumhuriyet Gallery, Istanbul, Sep-Oct 2011

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